On The Move In Millburn
Style, History and Pastrami on Rye
Every so often, it’s nice to slip out from behind the computer, get some fresh air and interact with the state that we write about every day. So when my coworker Liz suggested a jaunt to Millburn on a beautiful spring day a few weeks ago, I jumped at the chance.
It’s a charming place, this town where Anne Hathaway spent some of her childhood years. (The Devil Wears Prada is one of my favorite movies — not that working at Design NJ is anything like working at the fictional Runway magazine — though our coat-throwing game would give Miranda a run for her money.)
I’d spent a lot of time in the Short Hills section of town. I used to work there, and the Short Hills train station is quaint and convenient. Also, the mall is EVERYTHING.

30 minutes to Manhattan; not a bad commute!
I’d just completed interviews for our August/September cover story, which features a Short Hills project, and I knew how much the residents love their town. (Speaking of, here’s a quick preview of our cover project. It’s spectacular!)

Photo: David Gruol
With a median price of homes in the million-dollar range, this area boasts an above-average number of remarkable residences. In fact, on the day of this outing, fellow DNJ staffer Meg Fox was hard at work on another Short Hills-based design story. Here’s a preview.

I feel like you can’t go wrong with the combination of Zen simplicity and crystal chandelier. Photo: Jennifer Lavelle
I wasn’t as familiar with the rest of Millburn Township, so Liz, who visits the area often, gave me a tour. We stopped at a pretty little garden where the trees were in full blossom and paused to appreciate a scenic stream running straight through the center of town.

Springtime in New Jersey; it doesn’t get any better.
We couldn’t come to Millburn without paying a visit to a friend, Scott Kirschenbaum, at Samuel Robert Signature Spaces. We looked around the showroom and had a conversation about home décor styles, sensational summer parties and our mutual love of Broadway.

Extolling the virtues of gallery walls and Wicked.
Speaking of stage shows, we swung by the Papermill Playhouse.

I’ve lived in this state all my life and, embarrassingly, I’ve never seen a show here. That’s going to change. (Anne Hathaway got her start on this stage.)
We cruised past town hall …

Sadly, there was no sighting of Mayor Cheryl Burstein.
… and rode past The Parsil House, which dates from the early 1800s! Very cool.

The Parsil House is undergoing renovations and may become a museum for the Millburn-Short Hills Historical Society.
After rambling around town, we needed a snack. Liz had been talking about the Millburn Deli’s famous pastrami sandwiches for ages, so I just had to try one.

They offer al fresco dining!
It did not disappoint.

The nice lady behind the counter told me I could have as many pickles as I wanted. #bestcustomerserviceever #picklesaremyfavorite
Liz* and I had a great day in this charming town, meeting some of its lovely citizens (who we’d like to thank for being so polite, if a bit bemused, as the two of us ran around like Lucy and Ethel taking pictures). We can’t wait for our next adventure.
*FYI, Liz was photo-shy this time, but I’ll be sure to get a shot of her on our next outing.