Millburn-based Walden Interiors and three local New Jersey galleries are hosting a four-part series by designer Risha Walden on how to incorporate art into your home. The series will highlight Risha’s interior design expertise and incorporate art from RAM Gallery, J. Nunez Gallery, and Broadfoot and Broadfoot Gallery, to help people create beautiful spaces in their homes. The community is invited to sip, savor, and immerse themselves in a wonderful and exclusive experience.
All events will be from 6:30pm-8:30pm. Food and drink will be provided.
– March 21, 2024, Broadfoot & Broadfoot Gallery in Boonton, NJ with Scott and Sean (Gallery Owners)
– April 2024 (date TBD) VIP Ticket holders only, exclusive intimate evening @ Risha’s home in Millburn, NJ
Ticket Prices:
– Ticket price per event (grants entry for 2 people) $495
– VIP Ticket (access for 2 people and entry to all 4 events) $4,995