From the April/May 2018 Issue
Here to Stay-Master Bedroom
MASTER BEDROOM | The master bedroom is a calm, tranquil space with inconspicuous furniture and earth-tone furnishings, which both accentuate and coordinate with the outdoor scenery.
From the April/May 2018 Issue
Here to Stay-Living Room
LIVING ROOM | The angles in the living room are tempered by soft, comfortable seating. The sculptural light in the right-hand corner was designed by Clodagh and was one of […]
From the April/May 2018 Issue
Making a Match-Coordinated Design
COORDINATED DESIGN | The pool house was designed to match the main house (at right) with a similarly sloped varying roofline, multipaned windows and stone exterior.
From the April/May 2018 Issue
Making a Match-Pool House
POOL HOUSE | An abundance of windows ensures that the pool house is always flooded with natural light.
From the April/May 2018 Issue
Making a Match-Sitting Room
SITTING ROOM | An upstairs sitting area in the pool house features bold shades of blue.
From the April/May 2018 Issue
Making a Match-Window Wall
WINDOW WALL | A window wall in a sitting area opens completely onto the pool deck.
From the April/May 2018 Issue
Making a Match-Sunroom
SUNROOM | The sunroom features a dramatic peaked roof and a just-as-dramatic view of a neighboring pasture.
From the April/May 2018 Issue
Here to Stay-Den
DEN | The neutral tones in Donald Aronson’s den are embellished with orange accessories. Shelves in a nook house his prized collection of firefighting memorabilia.
From the April/May 2018 Issue
Making a Match-Interior Balcony
INTERIOR BALCONY | French doors on the interior balcony allow air conditioning upstairs while the wall of windows below is open.