From the June/July 2023 Issue
Fresh Start-Staircase
A modern chandelier lights all three stories of the front staircase.
From the June/July 2023 Issue
Fresh Start-Family room
The family room has a put-your-feet-up vibe thanks to large ottomans that also serve as game tables.
From the June/July 2023 Issue
Riverside Reverie-Outdoor sitting room
“We’re on the river,” designer and homeowner Barbara Batesko says. “If the weather is really bad, water can seep in under the hurricane screen [in the outdoor sitting room] so […]
From the June/July 2023 Issue
Brighter Grays-Living room
In the living room, designer Sandra Cosimano added wainscoting and panels on the walls to create interest.
From the June/July 2023 Issue
Riverside Reverie-Covered porch
The covered porch overlooks the gazebo and is bordered by a bed of hydrangeas and New Guinea impatiens. It features a cozy conversation area with commercial-grade seating that can withstand […]
From the June/July 2023 Issue
Brighter Grays-Kitchen
The kitchen was expanded during the remodel. “This space is the heartbeat of the home,” designer Sandra Cosimano says.
From the June/July 2023 Issue
Brighter Grays-Bathroom
Cylindrical light fixtures in the primary bathroom mirror the circles in the border of the inlaid tile “rug.” Designer Sandra Cosimano removed the top half of the shower wall. “I […]
From the April/May 2023 Issue
Adventure Awaits-Treehouse
A custom-built treehouse is a hide-a-way kids are sure to love. Even the pooch gets his/her own private enclave.
From the April/May 2023 Issue
Down by the Lake-Hallway
A picture light and new board-and-batten walls up the charm factor in the hallway leading to the bathroom and bedroom.