’Tis The Seasons
As 2017 winds down, we’re pausing to take stock of the year gone by. Here at Design NJ, we’ve had a banner year full of interesting people and exciting events, and we’re endlessly grateful for that. But we also appreciate the simpler things that have brought comfort and joy to our days.
We’re fortunate that it’s part of our job description to notice the beauty surrounding us every day—not just inside the gorgeous homes we feature, but also outside in a quiet cove or a freshly mown field or a well-turned garden. Our long-time collaborator, photographer Patricia Burke, is particularly skilled at noticing the lovely details easily taken for granted as we speed through our to-do lists. Through her lens, she captures the essence of the Garden State. Beginning this year, Burke’s images of New Jersey’s spectacular vistas have graced the closing page of each issue in a feature called “Designed by Nature.”
Burke’s philosophy speaks to us all: “It is important to find pleasure in the little things and know you can find beauty anywhere.” In our rush to celebrate this season of hope and joy, let’s not forget that there is hope and joy to be found in every season.
So here’s to being present for the “simple” things around us—the small gestures and the quiet moments and the wonders of nature. And here’s to another wonderful year in New Jersey!