This Is Every Restaurant’s Favorite Chair

The Thonet Model No. 14 chair proves great design truly is timeless You have seen the Thonet Model No. 14 chair somewhere before. It might have been in your favorite […]

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Whaler’s Delight

Back in the days of Moby-Dick, men on whaling ships spent their downtime carving objects from whale bone and dreaming of pie. What other explanation could there be for the […]

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The It Girl’s Sofa

Madame Récamier left a lasting legacy to the furniture world    If you were listing the attributes that make someone an “It girl,” Juliette Récamier circa 1800 would tick all […]

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Grand Dunand

The eternal elegance of Jean Dunand’s Art Deco designs In 1912, decorative artist Jean Dunand and Japanese lacquer master Seizo Sugawara struck a deal. Sugawara had asked Dunand’s assistance in […]

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Beautiful Byobu

Japanese screens combine art and craft in one exquisite object At the Winter Show in January, Erik Thomsen Gallery of New York City exhibited a six-panel Japanese folding screen painted […]

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A Woman’s Work-Table Is Never Done

These multifunctional side tables have endured for generations The progress of any nation in morals, civilization, and refinement is in proportion to the elevated or degraded position in which woman […]

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A Place at the Imperial Table

Catherine the Great was passionate about porcelain No one set a table like Catherine the Great. When you’re the Empress of All the Russias, you can afford to be extravagant, […]

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Smile and Say Ambrotype

Historical photos with a particular pedigree When families gather, there’s always a chance that someone will pull out the old family photos. Vintage Instamatic snaps and Polaroids, sepia-tone studio portraits […]

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Vive la Faience!

French faience ceramics have a colorful history. In 1689, France was at war with much of Europe and its military was drastically underfunded. So King Louis XIV demanded that the […]

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