Lehmann Pools & Spas | 644 Wyckoff Ave, Mahwah, NJ | (201) 327-0428
Lehmann Pools & Spas
Ask the Pros shares advice on designing the perfect home straight from the source–New Jersey’s design experts. The easy to read question & answer format is a great place for advice & inspiration.
I want to have a pool installed in my backyard. When should I start the process?
Pre-pandemic we would advise our clients to start interviewing contractors in the fall for a spring start date, but now the consumer has to start the process about a year in advance. For the past two years, swimming pools have been on the most-wanted list mostly due to Covid. We call them “Pandemic Pools.” Any good pool contractor is basically booked for 2022 right now, and we are starting to book prime times in 2023 already. Also, as time goes on, the whole process of interviewing, contract signing, design work, engineering and permits has grown exponentially. What used to take four to five weeks now usually takes three to four months, so start planning for 2023 now!
— Vic Lehmann, Lehmann Pools & Spas, Mahwah
High demand is just one reason that pool planning takes more time than ever.