Design Blog

Super Bowls

Because we just couldn’t resist—crockery for chili, chips or whatever you’re serving during the big game. Spice up the dip with a smattering of gold. Pass the salsa! These bold […]

Report from KBIS: What’s New in Kitchens and Baths

This is a guest post from interior designer Sharon Sherman. A few weeks ago, I attended the combined KBIS/IBS (Kitchen & Bath Industry Show/International Building Show) in Orlando. Here are […]

Welcome to New Jersey

We are delighted that Serena & Lily — the inspirational lifestyle and home décor brand — has chosen to open its seventh retail location — its first in the Garden […]

10 Ways To Make a Gallery Wall Work

There’s something enticing about a grouping of art or photographs. A compendium of pieces brought together in one spot is interesting. It draws the eye and it shows forethought: someone […]

Hob Knobbing

Let’s talk about cabinet hardware, shall we? Maybe it’s not the first thing that comes to mind when furnishing a room, but it plays an important part in design. It […]

Moving Pictures: How To Choose Art

Art plays a role in all our lives. Some people collect it. Others create it. Still others use it simply to fill up space on their walls. But here’s the […]

7 Snowy Day Reads for The Design Inclined

So, it appears that there’s a storm brewing (and they’re calling it, alarmingly, a Bomb Cyclone, and predicting ice storms in Florida of all places!) If you’re able to escape […]

Follower Favorites

We never underestimate the power of social media. That’s why we’re looking back over the past year at the Instagram posts that struck a nerve with our followers—the posts that […]

10 Design Resolutions For the New Year

There are only a few more days left in this year and that can only mean one thing—it’s resolution time! And while you pledge (again) to get more exercise or […]