Thinking Pink

There are quite a few apple orchards near the Design NJ offices. And nothing perks up our commute as much as seeing the apple blossoms every spring. They’re in full […]

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Second Nature

As far as we’re concerned, spring can’t get here fast enough. Yes, we know, it’s been a mild winter. Still, we’re dreaming of forsythias and tulips, crocuses and hyacinths. Fortunately, […]

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Not Madness at All

Some of us here at Design NJ are avid college basketball fans. This morning — now that we’re down to the final two teams in the Men’s Division — our […]

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A Thousand Words

One of our staffers spent a delightful day at the Metropolitan Museum of Art over the weekend and returned to the office this morning inspired by the masterpieces on display […]

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A Spring in Our Step

It doesn’t feel like it here in New Jersey, but it’s the first day of Spring! Spring is such a hopeful season, all that life-affirming renewal and greenery. We can’t […]

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They’re predicting a “big one” in northeast tomorrow. Winter Storm Stella is apparently barreling its windy way straight toward us. As of this writing, snow total estimates for New Jersey […]

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Make No Mistake

Wow. How about those Oscars? It’s actually kind of reassuring to witness; even super-swanky events with scores of high-profile attendees don’t always go as planned. (Moonlight and La La Land, […]

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Sleep on It

Anyone else tired? After that heartbreaker/miracle of a game last night (depending on your allegiance), it was tough to settle down. While the Patriots spend this morning sleeping off their […]

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